
Judul Text Reading Education First Edition
Sinopsis Praise be to God Almighty who bestows knowledge for His blessings, so that the author can complete this book with the hope that it can help teachers and lecturers, especially for English education lecturers in teaching Text Reading Education and carrying out their noble task of educating the nation’s life. In this Era 5.0 Century, English Text Reading becomes quite significant to support communication with the international world. To face increasingly complex problems, the role of English Text Reading is becoming increasingly important. In this case, students of the Faculty of Islamic Religion are expected to be able to understand the important role of spoken and written English texts.
Genre Pendidikan
Penulis Dr. Rohimah, M.Pd., M.Pd.
Editor Mutia Mawaddah Rohmah, M.Hum
ISBN Proses
Jumlah Halaman 209
Tahun Terbit 2024
Penerbit CV. Afasa Pustaka
Edisi 1
Cetakan Ke 1

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